Web Archiving Survey

From HLComms: Take a survey by October 31st to help your colleagues map the web archiving landscape at Harvard.

The Web Archiving Advisory Group invites everyone to participate in a brief, 12-question survey (linked below) about web archiving activities at your library or unit. As we hope to capture a broad audience, please feel free to complete this survey whether or not you are personally involved with the web archiving activities at your library or unit. Multiple answers from the same unit are encouraged.

The intention of this survey is to gauge the current progress, skill level, and training needs in the arena of web archiving across Harvard Library. The deadline for completing the survey is Wednesday, October 31st.

Link to Qualtrics form: https://harvard.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9YJHRhwuTi2laDz


Thank you,

Tricia Patterson, Digital Preservation Analyst